Bachelor of Arts in English
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Spell Out Your Career Aspirations With a Versatile BA in English
A BA in English is an excellent starting point for a career in teaching, media, advertising, writing and publishing; for graduate or professional studies in English, communications, or law; and for advancement in any field in which communication skills are important.
National University’s Bachelor of Arts in English emphasizes literary analysis, diversity, critical thinking, and written and oral communication skills through a rigorous curriculum of literature, composition, language and linguistics, and communication studies.
NU’s curriculum is designed for students seeking a flexible way to earn their degree. Offered online in the four-week class format, you can complete the program at an accelerated pace under a supportive and dedicated faculty of active practitioners.

The Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) accredits public and private schools, colleges, and universities in the U.S.
Course Details
Program Requirements
- 40 courses; 180 quarter units
Preparation for the Major
- 1 course; 4.5 quarter units
Prerequisite: ENG 102
An overview of the main genres of literature, including fiction, poetry and drama. Examines literary language and different approaches to literary criticism designed to increase student confidence when responding to literature.
Core Requirements for the Major
- 8 courses; 36.0 quarter units
TWO of the following four survey courses. Must include either LIT 311 or LIT 321.
Prerequisite: ENG 240 and; LIT 100
A survey of important British authors and literary trends from Chaucer through the middle of the 18th century.
Prerequisite: ENG 240 and LIT 100
A survey of important British authors and literary trends from the late 18th century through the modern era, with a focus on Romantic, Victorian and Modernist writers and texts. Some attention will also be paid to colonial and post-colonial writing in English.
Prerequisite: ENG 240 and LIT 100
A survey of important American authors and literary trends through the late 19th century. Texts will be situated in relation to cultural, philosophical, social and historical contexts, e.g., Puritanism and its legacies, varieties of American Romanticism, debates over slavery and gender roles, formation of national identities.
Prerequisite: ENG 240 and LIT 100
A survey of important American authors and literary trends from the late 19th century through the present. Texts will be situated in relation to cultural, philosophical, social and historical contexts. Particular attention will be paid to the modernist canon and to works by women and authors of color that respond to American literary heritage and social conditions.
Prerequisite: ENG 240 and LIT 100
An examination of major works of William Shakespeare.
ONE of the following two courses:
Prerequisite: ENG 240 and LIT 100
A survey of major arguments about the nature of literature, literary expression, and literary experience from Plato through the mid-20th century.
Prerequisite: ENG 240 and LIT 100
A survey of important contemporary literary theories and their application to literary analysis and criticism.
Choose ONE of the following THREE courses:
Prerequisite: ENG 240 and; LIT 100
Examination of important representative works by U.S. African-American writers and theoretical approaches relevant to studying that literature. Emphases may vary in different sections.
Prerequisite: LIT 100 and ENG 240
Examination of important representative works by U.S. Latino writers and theoretical approaches relevant to studying that literature. Emphases may vary in different sections.
Prerequisite: ENG 240 and LIT 100
A study of the representations of gender in literature to better understand changing literary aesthetics. Discusses assumptions about the ways gender permeates language and discourse.
Any ONE additional upper division LIT course.
Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of 8 upper-division LIT courses
This course is designed as the culmination of the English B. A. program. Students will bring the skills in literary study, analysis, research and writing learned in the program to bear on an original work of literary scholarship. Students will also be given the opportunity to revisit and revise several papers written in previous classes in the major. This course is an eight-week Practicum. Grading is H, S, or U only.
Upper Division Electives
- 4 courses; 18 quarter units
Any four additional upper division courses.
Upper-Division Concentration Requirements
- 4 courses; 18 quarter units
Students must select and complete ONE of the following concentrations listed below:
Concentration in Literary Studies
Total Requirements for Concentration in Literary Studies
- 4 courses, 18 quarter units
Any FOUR additional LIT courses may be selected from the list below that have not already been taken to fulfill the requirements of the Major.
Prerequisite: ENG 240 and LIT 100
An examination of mythology. This course recognizes that myth-making is a creative activity central to all cultures, including our own society. Students analyze and compare mythological narratives from a variety of cultures.
Prerequisite: ENG 240 and LIT 100
An upper-level seminar in contemporary fiction. Students will discuss and analyze major genres and movements in contemporary fiction, focusing on American fiction. Students will situate contemporary fiction in current political, cultural, historical and philosophical trends to better understand the relationship between fiction and the contemporary world.
Prerequisite: ENG 240 and LIT 100
A survey of important authors, movements, trends, and critical stances in contemporary poetry, with an emphasis on American poetry.
Prerequisite: ENG 240 and LIT 100
Provides students with a foundation for teaching children to read and learn through reading. Students learn to identify the stages in reading development, select appropriate literary texts for diverse learners at each stage, analyze children’s literary texts, and assess the literacy and language development of young learners.
Prerequisite: ENG 240 and LIT 100
A look at short stories. The reading list includes varieties of form and style in short fiction drawn from world literature and focuses on contemporary writing.
Prerequisite: ENG 240 and LIT 100
Focused study of a particular theme, genre, period, or author.
Prerequisite: ENG 240 and LIT 100
Focused study of a particular theme, genre, period, or author.
Prerequisite: ENG 240 and LIT 100
An examination of the conventions and varieties of dramatic texts and performance, focusing on drama of the 20th century. Includes discussion of both Western and non-Western traditions.
Prerequisite: ENG 240 and LIT 100
Study of contemporary literary works from diverse cultures outside the Anglo-American literary tradition.
Prerequisite: ENG 240 and LIT 100
This course will provide students with a hemispheric perspective to the study of the literatures of the Americas. The readings will come from a variety of prominent 20th century U.S. and Latin American literary texts. All works will be read in English translation.
Concentration in Written Communication
Total Requirements for the Concentration in Written Communication
- 4 courses, 18 quarter units
Students are to choose any FOUR courses from the following list below:
Prerequisite: ENG 102
Introduces learners to the principles, functions, and practices of social influence. Examines how to influence others’ attitudes, beliefs, opinions, values, and behaviors through communication. Explores scientifically established principles of persuasion that are used in contemporary media.
Prerequisite: ENG 102
Teaches strategic writing and presentation for traditional and new media platforms. Provides students practice in creating content that meets organizational objectives, and in applying communication theory and persuasion techniques. Learners develop content for advertising, PR, and corporate communications.
Prerequisite: COM 385 and COM 394
Course examines 21st-century mediated communication systems and technology. Theory and methods used in creating, shaping, encoding, and transmitting mediated messages for personal and professional communications are examined. Software and skills for encoding mediated messages into text, graphics, audio, and video are learned and practiced.
Prerequisite: ENG 102
Analysis of Modern English structure using the methods of traditional grammar. Topics studied: parts of speech, grammatical functions, phrase, clause, and sentence types, and nominal and verbal categories. Nature and usefulness of prescriptive rules of grammar. How to teach traditional grammar as presented in the secondary English curriculum. Instruction will encourage students to demonstrate critical understanding of traditional grammar, of contemporary syntactic analysis, and of the strengths and weaknesses of those systems in secondary education.
Prerequisite: ENG 102; (Only Business, Engineering and Nursing majors may fulfill the requirement by taking ENG 334A)
A workshop to help students whose careers will involve communicating technical information clearly. Students are encouraged to practice on professional models in their own disciplines while learning those attributes common to all effective technical writing.
Prerequisite: ENG 102; ENG 240, or ENG 334A
An advanced course for students interested in using writing as a means of exploring the natural world. This course surveys nature writing in its various forms (essays, articles, poetry, journals, etc.) as well as effective nature writing strategies. This course is designed to give students a basis for future personal creative work.
Concentration in Creative Writing
Preparation for the Concentration
- 1-2 courses, 4.5 – 9 quarter units
Students will take either:
Or both of the following ENG courses:
Prerequisite: ENG 102
An introductory course in writing short fiction. Students will focus on the basic elements of fiction writing and write their own original work. Students will also analyze published work and discuss each other’s writing in a traditional workshop format. Designed to give students a basis for future creative work.
Prerequisite: ENG 102
An introductory level poetry workshop. Students will compose their own original poems and study the basics of the craft of poetry along with a general historical overview of the history of poetry and its developments. This course is designed to give students a basis for future personal creative work.
Concentration Requirements
- 4 courses, 18 quarter units
Prerequisite: ENG 201
An intermediate course in writing fiction. Students will build on principles learned in ENG201, focusing on developing compelling and original fiction. Students will also discuss the importance of revision, and engage in thorough critiques of each other’s original work.
Prerequisite: ENG 202
An intermediate workshop in poetry. Students will compose their own original poems and continue the study of the craft of poetry, focusing on the modern tradition.
ONE of the following:
Prerequisite: ENG 102; ENG 240, or ENG 334A
An advanced course for students interested in using writing as a means of exploring the natural world. This course surveys nature writing in its various forms (essays, articles, poetry, journals, etc.) as well as effective nature writing strategies. This course is designed to give students a basis for future personal creative work.
Prerequisite: ENG 240 and LIT 100
An upper-level seminar in contemporary fiction. Students will discuss and analyze major genres and movements in contemporary fiction, focusing on American fiction. Students will situate contemporary fiction in current political, cultural, historical and philosophical trends to better understand the relationship between fiction and the contemporary world.
Prerequisite: ENG 240 and LIT 100
A survey of important authors, movements, trends, and critical stances in contemporary poetry, with an emphasis on American poetry.
Degree and Course Requirements
To receive the Bachelor of Arts in English degree, students must complete at least 180 quarter units as articulated below, 45 of which must be completed in residence at National University, 76.5 of which must be completed at the upper-division level, and a minimum 69 units of the University General Education requirements. In the absence of transfer credit, additional general electives may be necessary to satisfy total units for the degree. The following courses are specific degree requirements. Students should refer to the section on undergraduate admission procedures for specific information on admission and evaluation. All students receiving an undergraduate degree in Nevada are required by State Law to complete a course in Nevada Constitution.
English majors often go on to fulfill their professional goals in teaching, media, journalism, writing, public relations, and many other areas requiring solid written and oral communication skills. National University’s Bachelor of Arts in English can also help you develop the critical thinking and analytical skills needed to evaluate written materials, regardless of medium.
NU’s BA in English is designed for students looking to improve as a researcher or writer. For those who wish to enter the teaching profession, our curriculum provides the transferable expertise you’ll need to enter your grade-level of choice – and the committed support of our faculty to help you get there.
NU’s BA in English can be completed by taking four-week courses, one course at a time so that you can finish faster without sacrificing your family or work obligations.
National University’s BA in English is designed to help you develop the written and verbal skills that can help you become marketable in just about any field and any type of organization. Employers in every industry need professionals who are proficient in writing and communicating. With your English degree, you’ll be equipped with the qualifications to pursue positions* like:
- Technical writers
- Proposal Writers, Coordinators & Managers
- Copywriters
- Content Writers
- Authors
- News Analysts, Reporters & Editors
Communications, Public Relations Professionals
- Marketing Coordinators & Specialists
- Public Relations Managers
- Marketing Product Managers
- Social Media Coordinators, Specialists & Managers
- Digital Marketing Specialists, Content Marketing Specialists
- Communications Specialists, Coordinators, Managers
- Fundraising Coordinators
- Multimedia Journalists
- Producers & Directors
- Grant Writers
Administrative or Account Support Positions
- Administrative Assistants & Executive Assistants
- Account Coordinators & Managers
- Project Coordinators Managers
- Program Coordinators & Managers
- Store Managers
- Human Resource Assistants
Teaching & Tutoring at the K-12 level
Research roles
- Research Associates, Assistants, Coordinators & Analysts
Paralegals & Legal Assistants
* SOURCE: Emsi Labor Analyst- Report. Emsi research company homepage at https://www.economicmodeling.com/company/ (Report viewed: May 3, 2022. DISCLAIMER: The data provided is for Informational purposes only. Emsi data and analysis utilizes government sources to provide insights on industries, demographics, employers, in-demand skills, and more to align academic programs with labor market opportunities. Cited projections may not reflect local or short-term economic or job conditions and do not guarantee actual job growth. Current and prospective students should use this data with other available economic data to inform their educational decisions.
Students enrolled in the BA English program who have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 and are within six courses of completing the BA program may register for the BA English/MA English transition program. They do so by asking their academic advisor to submit a plan change into the transition program.
Students in the BA English/MA English transition program may take any one 600-level ENG course (excluding ENG 689 or ENG 699) as an elective within the BA English program. For students in the BA English/MA English transition program, the University will waive one MA English course taken as part of the BA degree if the grade earned is a “B” or higher.
No graduate units will be awarded; instead, the University will waive the MA English course taken as part of the BA degree. However, students must still meet the residency requirements for the MA English program (45 quarter units). Students must apply to and begin the MA English program within six months of completing the BA English program.
Program Learning Outcomes
As a graduate of National University’s Bachelor of Arts in English, you’ll understand how to:
- Knowledgeably discuss the major writers, works, movements, and periods of the British and American literary traditions.
- Apply close reading skills to analyze literary and other texts.
- Critically examine the relevance of variables of human diversity such as race, ethnicity, gender, class, and sexuality to the understanding and cultural significance of literature.
- Apply relevant cultural and historical information in the analysis of literary texts.
- Critically evaluate the assumptions and implications of major critical approaches to literature.
- Analyze the significance of genre conventions to the meanings and effects of literary works.
- Explain and defend their own criteria for evaluating works of literature.
- Collaborate with others to develop more complicated interpretations or arguments.
- Compose sophisticated written arguments about works of literature, incorporating appropriate close reading, research, and writing skills.
Enrolling in a university is a big decision. That’s why our dedicated admissions team is here to guide you through the admissions process and help you find the right program for you and your career goals.
To that end, we’ve simplified and streamlined our application process, so you can get enrolled in your program right away. Because we accept and review applications year round, you can begin class as soon as next month, depending on your program and location of choice.
Learn more about undergraduate, graduate, military, and international student admissions, plus admissions information for transfer students. You can also learn more about our tuition rates and financial aid opportunities.
To speak with our admissions team, call (855) 355-6288 or request information and an advisor will contact you shortly. If you’re ready to apply, simply start your application today.

Why Choose National University
- Four-Week Courses
- 150+ Degree Programs
- Online or On-Site
- Year Round Enrollment
- Military Friendly
We’re proud to be a Veteran-founded, San Diego-based nonprofit. Since 1971, our mission has been to provide accessible, achievable higher education to adult learners. Today, we educate students from across the U.S. and around the globe, with over 240,000 alumni worldwide.

“National University has impacted my career. You can immediately apply what you learn in class to your business.”
-Francisco R., Class of 2016

Frequently Asked Questions
Earning a Master’s in Business Administration can further sharpen your critical thinking, decision-making, and leadership skills. An MBA is a globally recognized program that can have tremendous value in all sectors of the job market, and if you know where you want to drive your career, you can choose a program with a specialization in your particular area of interest.
In order to become a teacher, you’ll need to pass the required tests for teacher certification in the state where you live. NU’s BA in English provides the transferable expertise you need to enter your grade-level of choice – and the committed support of our faculty to help you get there. If you are interested in teaching English or Language Arts in middle or secondary schools, learn more here: Bachelor of Arts in English with Single Subject Matter Preparation and Inspired Teaching and Learning Preliminary Single Subject Teaching Credential (California).

Year of You Scholarship
Do you qualify for a needs-based scholarship? Learn more about the NU Year of You Scholarship and other scholarship opportunities to unlock the door to your dreams!
*Positions may require additional experience, training, and other factors beyond successfully completing this degree program. Depending on where you reside, many positions may also require state licensure, and it is the responsibility of the student to ensure that all licensure requirements are met. We encourage you to also review program-specific requirements. Any data provided on this page is for informational purposes only and does not guarantee that completion of any degree program will achieve the underlying occupation or commensurate salary.