Educational Leadership
- Education Specialist
- Education Specialist in Educational Leadership
- Master of Education
- Master of Education in Educational Leadership
- Master of Science in Applied School Leadership (In Partnership with participating California County Offices of Education)
- Master of Science in Educational Administration with Preliminary Administrative Services Credential Option (CA Option)
- Master of Science in Higher Education Administration
- Doctor of Education
- Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership
- Doctor of Education in Instructional Design
- Doctor of Philosophy in Education
- Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Leadership
- Doctor of Philosophy in Instructional Design
- Clear Administrative Services Credential Induction Program
- Preliminary Administrative Services Credential (CA Option)
Prepare to pursue a career as an educational leader at National University. You’ll join a network of distinguished alumni and professionals who have completed a rigorous education that introduces the specialized skills needed to advance in the field of educational leadership. You’ll analyze the process for creating, stewarding, and communicating a shared vision that includes school-wide goals for improving teaching and learning while fostering an inclusive learning community grounded in social justice. The department provides leadership degrees in Higher Education and a credential and degree in K-12 leadership.