Academic Accommodations
Academic accommodations can take many forms and are specific to the unique needs of each student. Here you will find information regarding the two most frequently requested academic accommodations: extended testing time and note-taking services.
If you would like to request academic accommodations, you must first be registered with Student Accessibility Services (SAS). Visit the Getting Started page for steps and more information on how to register with SAS.
Testing Accommodations
Orientation: Once you are approved for testing accommodations, you are required to complete an orientation to familiarize yourself with the steps for securing testing accommodations here at National University. To complete your testing accommodations orientation:
- Review one of the following:
- Complete the Mandatory Testing Accommodations Orientation Checklist below:
Should you have any questions or would like to review this information with a SAS staff member, please request an appointment with the Academic Accommodations Counselor (accommodations@nu.edu). You are required to complete your test orientation a minimum of two weeks prior to your first exam request.
Onsite Exams
For any test accommodation requests for onsite quizzes or exams, in addition to completing the test orientation, you are required to fill out the Onsite Test Accommodation Request Form (OTARF). The form must be received by SAS five (5) business days before the requested exam date.
Please note:
- It is your responsibility to confirm that services are secured by contacting Student Accessibility Services at accommodations@nu.edu 48 hours prior to the start time of the requested exam.
- The University will do its best to fulfill requests; however, it may be impossible to coordinate onsite test accommodation services for requests made less than five business days before the requested date.
- Requests made during non-business hours may take additional time to fulfill.
Exams in Blackboard
Additional test time is not automatically applied to quizzes and exams in Blackboard. You are responsible for providing a copy of your accommodation letter, and informing your professor of record to change your test time for each exam/quiz to reflect the approved test time extension.
The professor of record should contact National University’s faculty concierge team at (877) 533-4733 (Option 2) for assistance in adding the extended testing time.
For additional faculty resources for extending time on Blackboard quizzes and exams, please visit Faculty Resources.
For more information about test accommodations services, please review the Test Accommodation Policies and Guidelines.
Note-Taking Services
Note-taking services are provided on a case-by-case basis. Arrangements for note exchanges are made between the student registered with SAS and the note taker. You and the note taker are required to submit the Student Note Taker Verification Form to SAS within the first week of the course. For more information about note-taking services, please review the Student and Note Taker Responsibilities Guide, or request an appointment with the Academic Accommodations Counselor .
Schedule an Appointment
In order to request an appointment with the Academic Accommodations Counselor , email accommodations@nu.edu. Prospective students not yet registered with SAS should contact sas@nu.edu for assistance. Please allow for 48 business hours for response. Please note, an appointment is not secured until you receive a confirmation email.